La Clusaz weather and snow forecast

Current weather conditions in La Clusaz and the forecast for the week ahead

Weather forecast for La Clusaz

Want to know what to pack for your stay in La Clusaz? Check the weather report here for the latest weather information and the forecasts for the week ahead any time of the year.

The weather report is updated regularly throughout the day so you always have up-to-date information about the temperature, cloud cover and approaching weather patterns.

Summer weather in the mountains

Many visitors are surprised at how harsh the summer sun can be in La Clusaz. Remember to pack sunscreen and cool clothes for your summer stay, as well as sunglasses and a hat. You'll probably want to bring your swimsuit too (especially if you book a chalet with a pool!).

Although your chalet will be warm, mountain weather can change quickly, and the evenings can cool down. Pack a jacket if you're expect to be outdoors in the evenings and some warm shoes. And remember to bring your hiking boots if you expect to go exploring on foot during the day.

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Shops and services — if you forget something

If you forget to pack anything, there are plenty of shops in La Clusaz where you can buy everything from summer clothes to sports gear, as well as gift shops, jewellery shops and plenty of food shops too.

The air in the French Alps tends to be dry, so pack moisturiser if you have dry skin, but don't panic if you forget: it gives you a great excuse to try a new French brand of skin care.

The French Alps tend to be sunny and warm in summer, which make it perfect for exploring on foot or with a bike. If rain is forecast, there are plenty of indoor activities such as the local history museum and skiing museum, as well as bowling, the cinema and the swimming complex which has a small indoor and an outdoor pool with breathtaking views over the Aravis mountains.

La Clusaz snow forecast

Discover La Clusaz from an OVO Network chalet

Book an OVO Network self-catered chalet for your next summer or winter holiday and discover how much there is to do and see in La Clusaz.

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